Comprehensive Health Check
Offering an effective, preventative medicine screening program
Body Metrics | Functional and Mental Health Screening |
Metabolic Testing | Cancer Screening |
Dr. Kwinter will review your medical history including personal and genetic risk factors and ensure you are properly screened (through history, physical exam, and testing) for the following cancers:
Family Medicine and Urgent Care
Full Scope Family Medicine with Care for All Ages in the Cayman Islands
Dr. David Kwinter, MD, CCFP(EM)
Dr. Kwinter has extensive experience working in a rural general practice, which included his own family medicine clinic and a regional single-physician emergency department. He provides comprehensive medical care for all people, ages, and presentations.
Dr. Kwinter's services include:
Dr. Kwinter invites you to make an appointment to meet him in his clinic and to see how he can help ensure you achieve your health goals.
Clinical Chief of Primary Care and Concierge Medicine.
Call our clinic (623-1000) or Text/WhatsApp Dr. Kwinter (324-2424) or Request more info